Buildings represent a form of communication, and, like language, they have vocabularies and syntax.
Architects communicate concern about building by emphasizing some forms while suppressing others, a technique that calls for subtle and often difficult decisions.
The primary mode through which architects communicate is visual, partly because vision is one of the clearest forms of perception.
One of the most important issues an architect faces is the image that the building will communicate.
The choice of image will affect the attitude and behavior of the ultimate users of the building. In addition, each building may require a number of communicating elements to reinforce a total image or to separate and express different aspects of a single building.
After the architect selects an overall communication image, the relative importance of individual elements must be adressed.
To do this the architect may formulate a hierarchical list of the ideas or concepts that will form the building.
PROXIMITY DIAGRAMMING is an analysis technique that is useful in generating a preliminary sense of the building potential forms.
Proximity Diagrams have two hierarchies:
1. Scale of the different spaces of the diagram, with the larger elements having more importance.
2. The location of elements within a sequence of spaces.
Meanings of the building and the forms or images related to these meanings;
Relative importance of the meanings to be expressed;
A logical order of building construction that will develop these images visually while providing good physical enclosure.
ARCHITECTURAL STATEMENTS: good architecture ate those buildings which contain communication in themselves and express them gently and elegantly.
Schools, houses, hospitals, banks, churches.
Each type is symbolic of its function in the society and has a traditional place in the context of that society.
The symbolism of a building is carried by images that have acquired meaning over time, and that these images are specific and refer to particylar building form organization.
STYLE: the distinctive qualities of form given a project that allow us to group projects as representatives of an individual's efforts.
SIGNS and SYMBOLS are used in architecture designs to focus the attention of building or spaces within the building.
SITE analysis: technical information concerning the site potential for serving the proposed facility, soil bearing, capacity, surface water drainage, access to utilities, vehicular and pedestrian access etc..
Room shapes and sizes
Who uses the space and for how long
Equipment and enviroment control
Vision; light directions, strengths and color
Touch (texture)
Human mind is structured to preceive the enviroment in a way that organizes our visual field into distinct and related parts. This area that studies this phenomena is called "gestalt psychology", the different pattern organizations we perceive are called 'gestals'.